Tuesday, April 22, 2008

DIARY #21 : Bye²


dear Diary,


Lama dah tak update blog ek.. Takda idea laa.. Ada crita, tp dunno if shud i share ngn korg. So just let it be..

hurrm...i had just draft my resignation letter. Im leaving this R**h**l soon.. 1 month notice jek.. tolak leave balance, less than a month la aku kat company nih... huhu..cedih lak. Its been 3 years wif the co. My 1st job after grad dr UiTM.

Esok lady boss masuk, so i thot esok le kasi dia surat tu. Dorg dh tau pon aku nk resign. My bro arrr gitau my boss.. Then my boss lak jd CNN gitau my lady boss n other collegues.. ada lak yg igt aku resign sbb mo kawen..haha..

Well, everything that starts will come to an end and finally iot's my turn to bid farewell... Hopefully kputusan yg aku amik ni wont worsen my life. Of coz la this is 1 of a big decision in my life.. i have a deep thougt on it and YES..im leaving for ...sumwhere...

Start keja baru myb early Jun or possibly end of May. Lg cpt lg bagus coz aku ni x suka duk diam2 kat umah..huhu..

ok..tu je la crita dr aku... Nnt kalo de apa2 lg, aku story mory kay... U all have a pleasant day ahead..