Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Diary #3 : Journey To Italy



Im so glad that the day started with a so-called *unexpected & *extraordinary news from my boss..(*at least for me la)..hikhik… My 10 days leave application approved. I thank her for that. I was quite worried yesterday. Tau jek la bukan senang mo mintak cuti dari bos tu. Bising dulu baru mo kasi approve.

And the funniest thing was that she and some colleagues in HQ thot im getting married.. wahahaha...how I wish.. ;p but NO.. not yet. It’s a long way to go. And hopefully the rumors wont spread any longer ya.. hikhikk. Akak s/u kat HQ siap call mintak kad jemputan… aku mo guling2 gelakkan dorang..adeh laa…

So, now I can tell what my planning is all about. Im goin to italy wif my sister and her baby to meet my brother in law. This is a great chance for me…nak bukak mata luas2. lihat dunia luar yg mgkn lebih mencabar. Tapi plan pun kabur2 jek sbb ada 2 "rintangan besar" yg harus aku settlekan lbh dulu.. 1st, takut tak dpt cuti. 2nd, my mak pun tak kasi…tp tu bisa di atur…hehehe… Alhamdulillah, aku dah bleh plan perjalananku tanpa risau psl cuti.. Just that my mak blum kasi positive respond lagi. Aduiii…camana la ni. Aku tetap mo pegi. This is my dream and I might not hv d chance again…

Well, she knew that I badly wanna go. but her concerns greater than anybody’s. She afraid im might get lost or kidnapped. Tau jek la org tua mana tak risau anak jalan jauh2 camni kan. I HAVE to convince her that I will be safe. Nothing to worry. Im a grown-up..okay. I can take care of myself. Aku pegi sana pun bkn nak buat benda tak baik. so, kalau jadik gak perkara yg tak diingini, terima jer la sbg takdir. Things happen for reasons. (so agak2 kalau aku tak update blog ni agak lama….sedekahkan al-fatihah yek.. ;p )

Ok..back to d plan.. Actually d journey will b started on 4th june. On 31st mei, depart from Tawau to KL. Duk KL 3,4 hari sbb nak urus something kat Italy Embassy. 1205 hours (4th june) depart from KLIA-DUBAI (8 hours) then DUBAI-MILAN (10 hours I guess). Leper la bontot duk lama2 dlm plane…hahaha..

So far, itu jek la yg aku bleh share. Will update soon.. Take care… daaaa…
