Well, i've been tagged by Kaka Kikin & Zam . So, here it goes :
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning

2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog **yg ni i hv to ignore since i believe that my circle of friends (to be exact; Blogger frens) dah kena Tag cemni... sorry
Name :
***nami Binti ********
Sisters :
4 elder sisters
Brothers :
2 elder bros
Shoe size :
normally 6
Height :
Where do you live :
Have you ever been on a plane :
yep..quite often
Swam in the ocean :
erkkk..never....harap2 takkan pernah..huhu
Fallen asleep at school :
penah! and my teacher just let me be...ahahaha..
Broken someone’s heart :
dunno la.. maybe.. i just dont care..
Fell off your chair :
so far...never...
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call :
i used to....skrg, kekadang je...put the hp beside d bed & wait to sleep...hikk..
Saved e-mails :
errr...too many...
What is your room like :
hurmm...nothing special...ada katil, almari,etc..
What’s right beside you:
my Totoi... dia tgh ngorok nih...
What is the last thing you ate :
owh..i had lunch wif Sha today.. Nasi campur ikan campur telur masin
Ever had…
Chicken pox : penah...x igt lak bila.. lama sgt dah..
Sore throat : once in a blue moon..
Stitches : when i was 7... kat dahi ni. berparut ni ha..*aku nim kan dajal dedulu*
Broken nose : never
Do you Believe in love at first sight : yupp...penah lalui.. but not a happy ending though
Like picnics :
ermm..depends..kat mana, ngn sape...huhu...
Who was/were…
The last person you danced with : cant remember...
Last made you smile :
Totoi made me smile...he's sitting next to me & i just cudnt ignore him.. *dia lucu la*
You last yelled at :
a betrayer.it was a year ago..
Today did you… :
Kissed anyone :
my Totoi la..
Get sick :
nope.. i just dont feel gud..mcm nk demam je
Talk to an ex :
Miss someone :
Who do you really hate:
i dont want to mention her name..but i hate her to die..
Do you like your hand-writing :
sometimes i do, sometimes i dont.. tau tak, masa sekolah2 dulu, aku rasa tulisan aku cantik gak, but not now.. i wonder y..
Are your toe nails painted :
taderr...x suka
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in :
katil umah mak aku la..
What color shirt are you wearing now :
baju tido kaler pink!
Are you a friendly person :
tak.. aku pemalu, x byk ckp...hikk.. but i can get along very well wif people i comfortable wif..
Do you have any pets :
ader..ader... nama dia Totoi... sungguh menghiburkan...
Do you sleep with the TV on :
What are you doing right now :
ngadap laptop ni la...
Can you handle the truth :
it depends...
Are you closer to your mother or father :
Do you eat healthy :
nope...ikut suka tekak jek...
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex :
i guess i do, but dunno letak kat mana dah..huhu
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to :
Recently, i just go to bed & burst out crying...hahaha
Are you loud or quiet most of the time :
quiet... aku ni mmg berat mulut.
Are you confident :
to b frank, i hv a very low self-esteem
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. duk tingkatan 5 Berjaya, SMK Tawau
2. Siap-sedia nk ngadap SPM
3. Aktif di padang kawad *kadet bomba dowhh* ;))
4. Hang out ngn classmates kat library
5. berjinak2 ngn dunia internet *IRC*
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1. Bayar cash utang-piutang *PTPTN, kete, etc*
2. setup my own biz... *tatau nk biz apa..ahaks!*
3. Suping la apa2 yg diinginkan slama ni...hekk..
4. sedekah
5. ....... *tatau la nk wat apa lagi*
5 of my bad habits
1. Pelupa
2. Clumsy
3. X reti nk simpan wit *ada duit, ada.. xde,xpe*
4. suka wat keja cpt2, pastu end up, ada je x kena
5. suka mandi lambat...hahaha
5 places I’ve lived/living
1. Tawau
2. Kota Kinabalu
3. Shah Alam
4. JB
5. .....*xde dah*
Nyatakan 5 kedai yang anda pantang jumpa mesti nak masuk dan beli barang
1. Mydin dkt tmpt keja aku ni..hahaha.. Bosan2 aku merayap ke situ. Pastu bli le apa2
2. NA
3. NA
4. NA
5. NA
**aku ni jenis nk bli brg, baru masuk kedai... kalo x ada apa nk bli, aku malas nk masuk..huhu
Do you think you’re hot ?
No, but i wish i am..uhukk2...
Upload your favorite picture of you!

Why do you like that picture?
sbb muka aku nmpk flawless & putih gebus..kah3..
When was the last time you ate pizza ?
a month ago... bli online
The last song you listen to?
x igt tajuk..penyanyi Awie *kat Muzik2 TV3 tadi ptg*
What are you doing right now besides this ?
tgk TV..Buletin Utama
What name would you prefer besides yours?
dedulu aku suka nama ni... Vianny Evareza..kah3..nama sape ntah..

2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog **yg ni i hv to ignore since i believe that my circle of friends (to be exact; Blogger frens) dah kena Tag cemni... sorry
Name :
***nami Binti ********
Sisters :
4 elder sisters
Brothers :
2 elder bros
Shoe size :
normally 6
Height :
Where do you live :
Have you ever been on a plane :
yep..quite often
Swam in the ocean :
erkkk..never....harap2 takkan pernah..huhu
Fallen asleep at school :
penah! and my teacher just let me be...ahahaha..
Broken someone’s heart :
dunno la.. maybe.. i just dont care..
Fell off your chair :
so far...never...
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call :
i used to....skrg, kekadang je...put the hp beside d bed & wait to sleep...hikk..
Saved e-mails :
errr...too many...
What is your room like :
hurmm...nothing special...ada katil, almari,etc..
What’s right beside you:
my Totoi... dia tgh ngorok nih...
What is the last thing you ate :
owh..i had lunch wif Sha today.. Nasi campur ikan campur telur masin
Ever had…
Chicken pox : penah...x igt lak bila.. lama sgt dah..
Sore throat : once in a blue moon..
Stitches : when i was 7... kat dahi ni. berparut ni ha..*aku nim kan dajal dedulu*
Broken nose : never
Do you Believe in love at first sight : yupp...penah lalui.. but not a happy ending though
Like picnics :
ermm..depends..kat mana, ngn sape...huhu...
Who was/were…
The last person you danced with : cant remember...
Last made you smile :
Totoi made me smile...he's sitting next to me & i just cudnt ignore him.. *dia lucu la*
You last yelled at :
a betrayer.it was a year ago..
Today did you… :
Kissed anyone :
my Totoi la..
Get sick :
nope.. i just dont feel gud..mcm nk demam je
Talk to an ex :
Miss someone :
Who do you really hate:
i dont want to mention her name..but i hate her to die..
Do you like your hand-writing :
sometimes i do, sometimes i dont.. tau tak, masa sekolah2 dulu, aku rasa tulisan aku cantik gak, but not now.. i wonder y..
Are your toe nails painted :
taderr...x suka
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in :
katil umah mak aku la..
What color shirt are you wearing now :
baju tido kaler pink!
Are you a friendly person :
tak.. aku pemalu, x byk ckp...hikk.. but i can get along very well wif people i comfortable wif..
Do you have any pets :
ader..ader... nama dia Totoi... sungguh menghiburkan...
Do you sleep with the TV on :
What are you doing right now :
ngadap laptop ni la...
Can you handle the truth :
it depends...
Are you closer to your mother or father :
Do you eat healthy :
nope...ikut suka tekak jek...
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex :
i guess i do, but dunno letak kat mana dah..huhu
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to :
Recently, i just go to bed & burst out crying...hahaha
Are you loud or quiet most of the time :
quiet... aku ni mmg berat mulut.
Are you confident :
to b frank, i hv a very low self-esteem
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. duk tingkatan 5 Berjaya, SMK Tawau
2. Siap-sedia nk ngadap SPM
3. Aktif di padang kawad *kadet bomba dowhh* ;))
4. Hang out ngn classmates kat library
5. berjinak2 ngn dunia internet *IRC*
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1. Bayar cash utang-piutang *PTPTN, kete, etc*
2. setup my own biz... *tatau nk biz apa..ahaks!*
3. Suping la apa2 yg diinginkan slama ni...hekk..
4. sedekah
5. ....... *tatau la nk wat apa lagi*
5 of my bad habits
1. Pelupa
2. Clumsy
3. X reti nk simpan wit *ada duit, ada.. xde,xpe*
4. suka wat keja cpt2, pastu end up, ada je x kena
5. suka mandi lambat...hahaha
5 places I’ve lived/living
1. Tawau
2. Kota Kinabalu
3. Shah Alam
4. JB
5. .....*xde dah*
Nyatakan 5 kedai yang anda pantang jumpa mesti nak masuk dan beli barang
1. Mydin dkt tmpt keja aku ni..hahaha.. Bosan2 aku merayap ke situ. Pastu bli le apa2
2. NA
3. NA
4. NA
5. NA
**aku ni jenis nk bli brg, baru masuk kedai... kalo x ada apa nk bli, aku malas nk masuk..huhu
Do you think you’re hot ?
No, but i wish i am..uhukk2...
Upload your favorite picture of you!

Why do you like that picture?
sbb muka aku nmpk flawless & putih gebus..kah3..
When was the last time you ate pizza ?
a month ago... bli online
The last song you listen to?
x igt tajuk..penyanyi Awie *kat Muzik2 TV3 tadi ptg*
What are you doing right now besides this ?
tgk TV..Buletin Utama
What name would you prefer besides yours?
dedulu aku suka nama ni... Vianny Evareza..kah3..nama sape ntah..
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